We are looking for agents, managers, brokers, lawyers, marketers, analysts, programmers for our team
Choose what's right for you
An employee and an employee of the Etagi company, dressed in business clothes, look at the screen of a work laptop
Our numbers for the 2023 :
  • 131 152owners have sold their properties with the company
  • 89 153people have arranged a mortgage with "Etagi" brokers
  • 19 218transactions between cities and countries
  • 174 434families have found their home thanks to the company specialists
  • 131 152owners have sold their properties with the company
  • 89 153people have arranged a mortgage with "Etagi" brokers
  • 19 218transactions between cities and countries
  • 174 434families have found their home thanks to the company specialists
Working With Us Means:
  • Technologies & Tools

    Convenient private IT-services: mobile app, RIES, CRM, MainTask, BI

  • Career Growth

    We create an open and accessible environment for the career growth

  • Ongoing Development

    You can get a free job training in the real estate industry from scratch

  • No Income Ceiling

    The company gives you a full suite of tools for personal result and earnings.

  • Work In An International Company

    Every year we open 35-40 new offices in the cities of Russia and abroad

Join our team!
Leave an application for a consultation or call us: +7 (800) 510-2-510
We need people sharing our values
  • Value #2
    We believe in our team
  • Value #3
    The result begins with me
  • Value #1
    It all begins with a client need
  • Value #2
    We believe in our team
  • Value #3
    The result begins with me
Working all over the world
An office must be a place you want to return to. Even when you work online. See how our spaces look like in different cities
  • 14
    countries of operation
  • 280
    cities in Russia and abroad
  • 231